Perinatal Loss

"Life is not fair" is an understatement after you have experienced the loss of your baby.  Reminders are everywhere- the grocery, the television and social media, and in your family and friend circles. Often your loved ones and friends do not know what to say, so they may say inappropriate things or may avoid you entirely to "give you your space" leaving you feeling isolated in your grief.  

Time slowly passes as you learn how to live in the world after loss. 12 months. 18 months. 24 months. You figure out how to function again and may even have another child, but that loss remains. As one mother put it, "Grief is an uninvited companion you learn to live with. I can be happy and it is still there."

In the summer of 2023, Indy Women's Counseling made the decision to dedicate significant time and resources to training in Compassionate Bereavement for perinatal loss. We have been told many times by our clients that their family and friends grow impatient and frustrated with them, wondering when they will be able to "move on" with their lives. And the answer is both "Never" and "I'm doing it right now." We see you, Mama.

If you are experiencing life after losing your baby or many babies, we are here for you. You may choose to heal through art, music, talking, and just sitting with a therapist who will be fully present to you with no agenda for you. Just holding space for whatever comes with compassion and acceptance. If this sounds like something you would like to have in your life, please contact us today. You are not alone. We are here for you.